Wild Flower Plots

Did you know? It is illegal to pick wildflowers on public lands as well as private property without consent from the owner.

Wild Ones San Diego chapter is starting wildflower plots to host harvesting events. With property owner permission, we will be able to legally harvest seeds while encouraging native habitats in land owners’ yards! These seeds will be collected, cleaned, and packaged for use in our seed give-away events. Currently, we have five sites in the rural San Diego region. As we begin this journey in the fall of 2023, you can track our successes and failures to learn how you can create your native flower plot.

Ramona, Ca

This wildflower plot is designed for home owners with large open rural land within the chaparral biome. This model has minimal watering needs, lacks fencing or underground wire, and is installed within a landscape having invasive non native and flourishing native plants.

Whisper Plot: Julian, Ca

This plot is modeled for rural neighborhoods where annual weed whacking may interfere with native wild flowers. The idea here is to plant in zones along fence lines, sheds, pathways and buildings. Also included here is a starter nursery for native plants in pots for give-away events.

JK Plot: Julian, Ca

This plot is also for rural neighborhoods, but has less guidelines for zones. Here the idea is to fill in disturbed soil where limited growth is present. Creating rows or circles in various sites on the property will restore the soil nutrient levels. This site has both open and fenced areas.

Porter Plot: Julian, Ca

This is an example of how an existing vegetable garden plot enclosed with fencing can be altered to include native wild flower zones within seasonal vegetable crops. This plot experiences all 4 seasons and intense winds. This site has a mix of gopher wire and open soil zones.